SomE dOWNLOADS of interest
Hamas-Israel Q&A editions from PlayBac Press of France (OCT 2023)
Mon Quotidien (ages 10-13)
L'Actu (ages 13-20)

Children worldwide create art in support of Ukrainian children.
Kid Scoop in the USA has made this activity freely available to anyone who wants to introduce to children the notion of press freedom and the threats to those who do journalism in a very accessible manner.
Intergenerational News/Media Literacy
Teenagers teach primary school students what they've learned in Ireland's Press Pass media literacy and journalism educatoin project.
A Journalist's Guide to Meeting the Class: How not to be boring when you explain how professsional journalism works. This 2012 version is based on a guide prepared by the Finnish Newspapers Association. While out of date in many respects, it is provides some timeless suggestions.

Beyond Cynicism: How Media Literacy Can Make Students More Engaged Citizens In 2008, then Ph.D. student Paul Mihailidis found in a multi-year study that university students in a media literacy course gained the ability to effectively analyze media messages and adamantly praised media literacy, but also showed considerable negativity about news media's role in society. "These findings suggest that media literacy education must focus on the
connections between critical skills and the explicit understanding of [news] media’s necessary role in civil society," Mihailidis concluded at the time. The study has has yet to be replicated.